Understanding Sexually Transmitted diseases(STDs)

STDs are are sexually transmitted diseases, this means they are most often but not exclusively spread by sexual intercourse.HIV, chlamydia,genital herpes,genital warts,gonorrhea, some forms of syphilis, hepatitis, and  trichomoniasis are STDs.
They are the common contagious diseases,STDs are serious illnesses that require treatment.You can get STDs by oral,anal,vaginal sex.You can be also infected with trichomoniasis through contact with damp, or moist objects, such as towels, wet clothing, or toilet sets, although it is more commonly  spread by sexual contact.You are highly risk if:

  1. You have more than one sex partner.
  2. you had sex with someone who has, had many partners.
  3. You don't use a condom when having sex.
  4. You share needles when injecting intravenous drugs.
  5. You trade sex for money or drugs.

HIV and herpes are chronic conditions that  CAN BE MANAGE BUT NOT CURED. Hepatitis B  also may become chronic but can be manage. You can not realized that you may have that certain STDs  until the damage reach you reproductive organs,(rendering your infertile),your vision,your heart,or other organs.Having the STD may weaken the immune system, leading to more vulnerable to other infections.

PID( pelvic inflammatory disease) is a complication of gonorrhea and chlamydia, that can leave woman unable to have children.It can even kill you. If you pass your STD to your new born child, the baby may suffer permanent harm or death!

The germs that cause STDs hide in semen, blood, vaginal secretions and sometimes saliva, by sharing toot  brush or razors with someone who has it!


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